看 SQLAlchemy 自带的 zblog 的例子,可以看到 SQLAlchemy 一些非常有用的特性。
比如显示文章列表的同时我们希望获得相关文章的评论数,如果是用 django 那就只能放弃 ORM 的好处自己去执行 sql 语句了,否则就只会导致 n+1 条 SQL 语句的执行。 在 SQLAlchemy 中你可以把任意的 select 语句映射到一个 class ,这样就可以用一条 SQL 语句搞定,还能获得 ORM 的好处,下面是原封不动拷过来的代码(只调整了下格式):
# Post mapper, these are posts within a blog. # since we want the count of comments for each post, # create a select that will get the posts # and count the comments in one query. posts_with_ccount = select( [c for c in tables.posts.c if c.key != 'body'] + [ func.count(tables.comments.c.comment_id).label('comment_count') ], from_obj = [ outerjoin(tables.posts, tables.comments) ], group_by=[ c for c in tables.posts.c if c.key != 'body' ] ) .alias('postswcount') # then create a Post mapper on that query. # we have the body as "deferred" so that it loads only when needed, # the user as a Lazy load, since the lazy load will run only once per user and # its usually only one user's posts is needed per page, # the owning blog is a lazy load since its also probably loaded into the identity map # already, and topics is an eager load since that query has to be done per post in any # case. mapper(Post, posts_with_ccount, properties={ 'id':posts_with_ccount.c.post_id, 'body':deferred(tables.posts.c.body), 'user':relation(user.User, lazy=True, backref=backref('posts', cascade="all, delete-orphan")), 'blog':relation(Blog, lazy=True, backref=backref('posts', cascade="all, delete-orphan")), 'topics':relation(TopicAssociation, lazy=False, private=True, association=Topic, backref='post') }, order_by=[desc(posts_with_ccount.c.datetime)])树形评论 映射如下:
# comment mapper. This mapper is handling a hierarchical relationship on itself, # and contains # a lazy reference both to its parent comment and its list of child comments. mapper(Comment, tables.comments, properties={ 'id':tables.comments.c.comment_id, 'post':relation(Post, lazy=True, backref=backref('comments', cascade="all, delete-orphan")), 'user':relation(user.User, lazy=False, backref=backref('comments', cascade="all, delete-orphan")), 'parent':relation(Comment, primaryjoin=tables.comments.c.parent_comment_id==tables.comments.c.comment_id, foreignkey=tables.comments.c.comment_id, lazy=True, uselist=False), 'replies':relation(Comment, primaryjoin=tables.comments.c.parent_comment_id==tables.comments.c.comment_id, lazy=True, uselist=True, cascade="all"), })很多时候我们需要一次性获取对应一个文章的所有评论,可以用一条 select 先把数据取出,然后手动建立树形结构:
# we define one special find-by for the comments of a post, which is going to make its own # "noload" mapper and organize the comments into their correct hierarchy in one pass. hierarchical # data normally needs to be loaded by separate queries for each set of children, unless you # use a proprietary extension like CONNECT BY. def find_by_post(post): """returns a hierarchical collection of comments based on a given criterion. uses a mapper that does not lazy load replies or parents, and instead organizes comments into a hierarchical tree when the result is produced. """ q = session().query(Comment).options(noload('replies'), noload('parent')) comments = q.select_by(post_id=post.id) result = [] d = {} for c in comments: d[c.id] = c if c.parent_comment_id is None: result.append(c) c.parent=None else: parent = d[c.parent_comment_id] parent.replies.append(c) c.parent = parent return result Comment.find_by_post = staticmethod(find_by_post)
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